
Which Domestic Animal Most Often Experiences Venomous Snakebites

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  • Biomed Res Int
  • PMC4131074

Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014: 671041.

Venomous and Poisonous Australian Animals of Veterinary Importance: A Rich Source of Novel Therapeutics

Margaret C. Hardy

1Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

Jonathon Cochrane

2School of Veterinary Scientific discipline, The University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia

Rachel Eastward. Allavena

iiSchool of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD 4343, Commonwealth of australia

Received 2014 Feb 28; Revised 2014 May 23; Accepted 2014 Jun iii.


Envenomation and poisoning by terrestrial animals (both vertebrate and invertebrate) are a meaning economic problem and health risk for domestic animals in Australia. Australian snakes are some of the most venomous animals in the earth and bees, wasps, ants, paralysis ticks, and cane toads are also present as part of the venomous and poisonous fauna. The diagnosis and treatment of envenomation or poisoning in animals is a challenge and can be a traumatic and expensive procedure for owners. Despite the potency of Australian venoms, there is potential for novel veterinarian therapeutics to be modeled on venom toxins, as has been the case with homo pharmaceuticals. A comprehensive overview of envenomation and poisoning signs in livestock and companion animals is provided and related to the potential for venom toxins to human activity as therapeutics.

i. Introduction

Australia is justifiably famous as the island continent with the most venomous and poisonous animals. These include native animals like Australian venomous snakes and introduced species like the pikestaff toad. Many of these species pose a significant wellness take chances to companion animals and livestock and thus are of both veterinarian and economical importance.

Animal venoms are used effectively for defense and predation; poisons are used primarily for protection from predation. Both venoms and poisons are complicated cocktails, consisting of several hundred different components. Venom toxins are the primary actors for toxicity in animal venoms, specially for invertebrate venoms [i]. Venom toxins are peptides, generally 3–half-dozen kDa in size containing between 2 and 4 disulfide bonds, in a highly stable inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) motif [2]. ICK venom toxins can have a wide range of activities, including ion channel blockers (including neurotoxins), hemolytic agents, and antiviral or antibacterial agents. Toxins are distinct from enzymes, larger proteins, and nonpeptidic components like alkaloids and polyamines, and toxins are responsible for much of the biological activity and pharmacological interest effectually creature venoms and poisons.

Australia'south most dangerous venomous snakes are front end-fanged elapids and their venoms are potent and various. Further, they are common in both rural and urban areas posing a significant health risk to domestic companion animals and livestock. Snake venoms primarily contain procoagulants, anticoagulants, neurotoxins, myotoxins, and nephrotoxins; however, the locally acting necrotoxins generally found in non-Australian elapid and viper venoms are largely absent [3].

Pikestaff toads are introduced amphibians that accept been wreaking havoc on Australian ecosystems since their introduction in 1935 [four]. The cane toad has a highly toxic paratoid secretion that is particularly toxic to dogs [five]. Cane toad poison is equanimous primarily of biogenic amines, bufadienolides, alkaloids, and peptides and proteins [6]. Ontogenic variation in the cane toad poison has been reported, and the eggs comprise higher concentrations and a wider range of active compounds than exercise adult toads [7]. The poison in the parotid glands induces neurologic or respiratory signs in dogs and cats when the toads are mouthed or ingested, and effects of poisoning can be so astringent that expiry results despite treatment [8].

The Australian paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus (Acari: Ixodidae), contains toxins, particularly holocyclotoxin, in its saliva which can be lethal to companion animals and livestock [9]; an antidote is available for paralysis ticks. For other invertebrate species, anaphylaxis or localized astringent reactions are the chief business concern for their bites and stings [10]. Insects crusade clinical signs related to bites and stings, may crusade anaphylaxis, and may exist poisonous if ingested in the case of sawfly larvae or caterpillar species with urticating hairs or spines [xi]. Australian tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae) are unique in that they have been shown to exist lethal to canids, but not to humans [12]. Scorpions are of clinical importance because of their neurotoxic venom, which affects both humans and animals [13], and no scorpion antivenom currently exists.

The diverse range of pathophysiological effects of the venoms and toxins from Australian venomous and poisonous animals present a major challenge for veterinarian treatment. Further, for many of Australia's venomous and poisonous animals no antivenom is bachelor, and the clinical signs can only be treated symptomatically (including spider bites and cane toad poisoning). Venom and poisonous substance toxins can be a source of novel pharmaceutical agents, which is only recently beingness explored in humans [14]. The goal of this review is to provide an overview of venom and poison pathogenesis of veterinary import in Commonwealth of australia and discuss the potential for targeted compounds in drug discovery for animal therapeutics.

2. Venom Pathogenesis and Poisoning in Australia Snakebite

Snake envenomation is an important presenting trouble at veterinary clinics, with previous studies estimating the prevalence at 0.31% of clinical cases [fifteen]. Some other survey estimated up to 6,200 cases reported per annum, predominantly in dogs and cats, with 78% of cases occurring in rural versus 22% in urban areas [16]. Identifying the snake correctly is difficult in veterinary circumstances, given that the animal may be bitten in isolation (or while unsupervised) and the snake may non exist presented with the animal for right identification. A commercially available rapid freeze-stale sandwich enzyme immunoassay, the CSL snake venom detection kit (CSL Limited, Parkville, Victoria), is bachelor for use in Australian animals. With significant treatment associated costs for hospitalization, often with intensive care and antivenom, most owners are reluctant to pay for the additional cost of a venom detection kit. In the late 1990s, the kit was estimated to be used in only one% of cases [16]. If a snake venom detection kit is used, information technology is important to select the most appropriate test: a claret test, a urine examination, a swab of the seize with teeth site, or a combination of all three.

A report of rapid immunoassay snake venom detection kits in an experimental model of tiger and brown snake envenomation in cats demonstrated that if envenomation occurred less than eight hours previously, blood was the best sample; however, later viii hours it was essential that urine be sampled [17]. Notably, a horse envenomated by a tiger snake gave a negative result from a serum sample venom detection kit (SVDK) only was strongly positive when a urine sample was used [18]. Although bite site swabs can be used, bite sites are rarely identified in animals either in life or during a postmortem examination. False positives with SVDKs have been anecdotally reported; however, a report on urine from 50 dogs and 25 cats presenting to veterinary clinics demonstrated no imitation positive reactions, so test specificity was estimated at 100% on urine as a test sample [19]. False negatives can occur with high venom concentration saturating bounden antibodies in the kit (known as the "hook result"), with venom levels below the limit of detection in subclinical envenomation, and insufficient time for venom to concentrate in the urine, or an extended period of time between envenomation and testing, which results in venom levels in urine below the level of detection [xix].

The iii well-nigh normally encountered snakes causing envenomation of veterinary importance are the venomous brownish ophidian, the tiger snake, and the reddish-bellied black serpent. The latter 2 snakes are mostly localized most the coast, especially the east coast, just the dark-brown snake is ubiquitous throughout the continent; the tiger snake is the simply one recorded in Tasmania (Figure 1).

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A map of the distribution of the 3 most usually encountered Australian snakes of veterinary importance: the venomous brown snake (Pseudonaja spp., 11,923 records, (a)), the tiger snake (Notechis scutatus, 2,366 records, (b)), and the red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus, 4,017 records, (c)). Relative density is indicated past the fable to the right of each map. Maps from [twenty–22]. Venomous Brown Snakes (Pseudonaja spp., Elapidae)

Venomous brown snakes in the genus Pseudonaja are distinct from unrelated brown snakes whose habitats overlap, including the venomous king brown (Pseudechis australis, from the black snake genus) and the taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) and nonvenomous brownish-colored snakes like pythons. Brown snake envenomation is characterized by a severe lower motor neuron paralysis with hypocoagulation [23]. Animals suffer an initial haemodynamic collapse with severe systemic hypotension and thrombocytopenia [23, 24]. In an experimental model using anaesthetized dogs hemodynamic effects of brown ophidian (Pseudonaja spp.) venom included hypotension with reduced cardiac output and stroke volume and a ascent in peripheral vascular resistance and a transient increase and and so subtract in heart charge per unit [25]. Hematological effects consistent with pregnant derangement of coagulation included marked thrombocytopenia, depletion of serum fibrinogen, prolonged prothrombin, and activated partial thromboplastin time [24]. The group C prothrombin activators in dark-brown snake venom closely resemble mammalian prothrombinase (Xa:Va) which converts prothrombin into thrombin; thus the venom activates coagulation resulting in a consumptive coagulopathy termed venominduced consumptive coagulopathy [26].

Pseudonaja venom also contains several neurotoxins: a strong presynaptic neurotoxin (textilotoxin) and two postsynaptic peptidic neurotoxins (pseudonajatoxin) [27]. The clinical signs resulting from these toxins appear to be highly variable amongst envenomated species. Humans rarely demonstrate neurotoxicity of clinical significance ("the brown snake paradox") [27], whilst ascending flaccid paralysis and respiratory muscle failure are a much more mutual finding in dogs and cats [fifteen].

ii.1.two. Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus, Elapidae)

Tiger snake venom contains a number of neurotoxins, procoagulant factors, and a weak haemolysin, resulting in a primarily neurological, myolytic and coagulopathic clinical syndrome [eighteen, 28]. The complex presentation of tiger snake envenomation has been classified into 3 categories of clinical signs: (1) a preparalytic phase (acute collapse, vomiting, hypersalivation, defecation, trembling, and tachypnea), a paralytic and lethal phase (skeletal muscle paralysis, coagulopathy, and oliguria, with or without myoglobinuria or haemoglobinuria), and a sublethal or delayed stage (mydriasis, reduced pupillary light reflex, stiffness, ataxia, inability to close the jaw, and/or renal failure) [28]. During the preparalytic stage collapse, vomiting, salivation, defecation, trembling, and tachypnea are observed. Skeletal muscle paralysis, coagulopathy, and oliguria (which may include either myoglobinuria or haemoglobinuria) are noted in the paralytic stage and dilated pupils with absent-minded pupillary light reflex, stiffness, and ataxia, inability to shut the jaws, and renal failure are noted in the sublethal phase.

The principle neurotoxin, notexin, is a toxic phospholipase Aii that depletes acetylcholine [18]. Notexin is also a potent myotoxin and can cause extensive skeletal muscle degeneration, though with rapid death insufficient fourth dimension may elapse for significant skeletal muscle changes to occur [xviii, 29]. A procoagulant with gene Xa-similar activeness is present and histopathological studies on a dog and cat which died for tiger serpent envenomation demonstrated extensive thrombus germination [18, 29].

Clinical features of a horse diagnosed with tiger snake envenomation by sandwich ELISA included muscle fasciculation, reluctance to motility, profuse sweating, tachycardia, tachypnea, and localized hot painful swelling on the muzzle presumed to exist the bite site though punctures were not visible [18]. Significant hematologic abnormalities in this horse included mild neutrophilia with a left shift but no toxic changes and balmy elevations in fibrinogen. For clinical chemistry, the horse exhibited a range of hematologic abnormalities with the most notable existence increased creatinine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase likely due to muscle impairment, and the animal had a significant myoglobinuria.

ii.1.3. Red-Bellied Blackness Serpent (Pseudechis porphyriacus, Elapidae)

Red-bellied black ophidian venom is reported to exist strongly haemolytic and weakly neurotoxic; however few reports of envenomation by Pc. porphyriacus in domestic animals are present in the literature [23]. Envenomation by Pc. porphyriacus has been reported to cause intravascular hemolytic anemia, rhabdomyolysis, and anuric renal failure secondary to myohemoglobinuric pigmenturia in a dog [xxx]. In humans, Pc. porphyriacus envenomation causes necrosis effectually the bite site, pigmenturia, increased serum creatinine kinase, and systemic signs like sweating, nausea, and headache [31].

ii.ii. Poisoning by Cane Toads (Bufo marinus, Anura: Bufonidae)

Pikestaff toads take been an invasive pest in Australia for almost 80 years and in that time take decimated native animal populations and destroyed pristine habitat [4, 32]. The Australian Government Department of the Surroundings has identified fifteen biodiversity hotspots in Commonwealth of australia (Figure two(a)); the cane toad is already in five of those locations and has the potential to invade at least 3 more than. The 15th biodiversity hotspot is in Tasmania, where no cane toads have been recorded. To requite a clearer moving-picture show of the danger cane toads pose to native Australian fauna, the level of species richness has been overlaid with the pikestaff toad population map (Figure 2(b)).

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A map of the electric current cane toad distribution (6,349 total records marked with red dots (a)) and 14 of the 15 biodiversity hotspots (×, (a)). The cane toad population data is overlaid with species richness data; blue indicates higher and yellowish lower levels of species diverseness, respectively (b). Maps created from [33].

Cane toad poison induces neurological and cardiovascular effects and exposure to cane toad poison can be lethal to both dogs and cats [5, 8]. The poisonous skin of cane toads (Rhinella = Bufo marinus, Anura: Bufonidae) contains high concentrations of orally agile compounds and is the main reason their toxicity in predatory animals is so high. Contaminated drinking water and food is a particularly insidious exposure route and skillful hygiene can become a long way towards reducing that gamble for pet and livestock caretakers. Cane toad poison consists in large part of bufadienolides, a steroid that is a type of cardiac glycoside. Interestingly, compared to other life stages, cane toad eggs comprise both the highest number of individual bufadienolides and the highest concentration of those compounds compared to later on-stage juveniles [7]. These compounds deed by inhibiting the sodium-potassium pump and increasing the force of contraction by the eye, thus increasing cardiac output.

Cane toad poisoning is not just an Australian problem. In the U.s., dogs and cats in Florida, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, and Hawaii have reported intoxication from contact with Bufo toads: B. marinus, the pikestaff toad, and B. alvarius, the Colorado river toad [34]. Dogs are more than commonly poisoned than cats and terriers are disproportionately represented in the demographics [8, 34].

Exposure to cane toad toxicant produces some or all of the following signs: in America, neurological abnormalities, hyperemic mucous membranes, ptyalism, recumbency or collapse, tachypnea, and airsickness [34]; in Australia, ptyalism, hyperemic mucous membranes, and seizures [8]. Electrocardiographic findings were most commonly sinus arrhythmia, sinus tachycardia, and normal sinus rhythm [34]. The treatment for animals exposed to cane toad poisonous substance is lavage of the oral fissure and affected areas with tap water and the survival rate for the studies in both America and Australia discussed above was >xc%.

2.3. Arthropods: Stings, Bites, and Poisoning

2.three.1. Hymenoptera

The insect society Hymenoptera includes the Apoidea (bees), Formicidae (ants), Vespoidea (wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets), and Symphyta (sawflies). Bees lose their stinger after stinging and dice, but vespids can sting multiple times and also bite. Ants bite and some secrete venom that travels through the wound created at the seize with teeth site. Venoms from the Apoidea and Vespoidea are primarily made of proteins, but formicid venoms are 95% alkaloids [35]. Although anaphylaxis due to rapid hypersensitivity is the principal concern with Hymenoptera venom [ten], ant bites and stings have long been known to cause astringent pain and irritation [36]. The estimated lethal dose is 20 stings/kg in most mammals, though anaphylactic reactions are not dose-dependent [35]. No antivenom is available for bites and stings by Hymenoptera; in almost cases, management of clinical signs (including anaphylaxis) is the just recourse. This tin more often than not be achieved through assistants of fluids, corticosteroids, and supportive intendance [37].

Recently, the first business relationship of survival subsequently bumblebee-sting induced anaphylaxis in a domestic dog was reported: "Over the following 48 hours, the dog developed azotemia, severely elevated liver enzyme levels, hypertension, hematochezia, hematemesis, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. The canis familiaris's neurologic status improved slowly, just pregnant behavioral abnormalities remained. The dog was discharged afterward seven days with ongoing polyuria, polydipsia, and behavioral changes. The polydipsia and polyuria resolved within a few days, but the behavioral changes continued for vi weeks" [38]. In another case, a dog presented for respiratory stress and shock later on beingness stung by >100 bees; acute lung injury/acute respiratory syndrome was diagnosed and after eight days of treatment with oxygen, steroids, antibiotics, and bronchodilators, the dog recovered [39].

Although not currently present in Australia, Africanized bee stings present a significant threat of veterinary concern should they colonize. A retrospective study of dogs envenomated past Africanized bees in Brazil demonstrated dark-colored kidneys, dark red urine, dark cherry-red lungs, and splenomegaly as the major gross changes [forty]. Secondary to massive Africanized bee envenomation (stings by >300 Africanized bees) in a canis familiaris, allowed-mediated thrombocytopenia was identified [41]. After a red claret jail cell transfusion, immunosuppressive dexamethasone, and gastroprotectant therapy, the dog stabilized and platelet count returned to normal within a week. In another case of bee sting envenomation, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia developed in 2 dogs; i dog died and the hemolysis in the other was resolved following prolonged administration of corticosteroids [42].

Sawfly poisoning in Australia is largely due to Lophotoma spp. and the major toxin that causes poisoning is lophyrotomin, an octapeptide that acts principally on the liver [43]. The intraperitoneal LDfifty in mice for lophyrotomin is 2 mg/kg [44]. Livestock, particularly sheep and cattle, are exposed to sawfly poisoning when leaves on the ground take sawflies on them and are ingested [37]. After removing animals from the sawfly source, the recommended management of poisoning consists of administration of silymarin and penicillin and glucose to prevent toxicosis and significant changes to liver enzymes [37].

2.iii.2. Lepidoptera

In addition to the Hymenoptera, caterpillars of many Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) incorporate urticating hairs and spines. In the early on 2000s in the United states of america, eastern tent caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum, Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) were plant to be responsible for mare reproductive loss syndrome (MRLS). The combined losses from 2001 to 2002 for the thoroughbred industry due to MRLS were estimated at $500 one thousand thousand and more than 4500 equine pregnancies (three,500 of those, or 17%, were from thoroughbreds) were lost [45]. In Commonwealth of australia, similar incidences of MRLS were reported in the mid-2000s, with Ochrogaster lunifer (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) found responsible [46]. Later experimental gavage caterpillar setal fragments were constitute in multiple organs including the liver and gastrointestinal and reproductive tract and acquired serositis, ulceration, and inflammation and information technology was theorized that the setae could vector bacteria resulting in secondary bacterial abortion [46].

2.3.3. Spiders

Australian spiders are notorious for existence venomous and deadly. The Australian funnel-web spider is 1 of a handful of spiders worldwide that are lethal to humans and a seize with teeth from the redback spider causes latrodectism (hallmarks of which include pain, musculus rigidity, vomiting, and sweating) [47]. In addition to having unsafe or lethal effects in humans, animals also experience severe, and sometimes fatal, effects of envenomation.

The distribution of dangerous Australian spiders varies. Australian funnel-web spiders are found primarily on the east coast, which is where the bulk of the human population has settled (Figures 3(a) and 3(b)). The redback spider, on the other hand, is widely distributed around the coastal areas and throughout the heart of the country (Figure 3(c)). Unlike snakes, all 3 spiders accept been found on the island of Tasmania.

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Density and distribution of the three most dangerous spiders in Australia. The Australian funnel-spider web spiders in the genera Atrax (one,526 records (a)) and Hadronyche (2,108 records (b)) are localized primarily on the east coast and the redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti) is more widely distributed (one,297 records, (c)). Maps from [48–50].

The Australian funnel-web spider is classified into 35 species constitute in three genera, Hadronyche, Illawarra, and Atrax (Araneae: Hexathelidae) [53]. The lethal toxin in funnel-web spider venom, δ-HXTX-Ar1a, is a 4.8 kDa peptide with three disulfide bonds that was first described in 1985 [54]. Although the toxin is establish in both males and females, only males seem to produce plenty toxin to crusade lethal effects after an envenomation [55]. The venom of the funnel-web spider has a wide phylogenetic range: rats, rabbits, and cats seem to exist unaffected by a bite from a female spider, whereas xx% of mice and guinea pigs died after a seize with teeth from a female and nigh died after a bite from a male [37]. Male person funnel-web spider bites have likewise been shown to have transient effects in dogs and cats [37]. Antivenom was introduced in 1984, afterward which no human fatalities from A. robustus or related spiders accept been reported [56]. The LD50 of δ-HXTX-Ar1a has been reported equally 0.xvi mg/kg (33 pmol/grand) in mice.

The redback spider, Latrodectus hasselti (Araneae: Theridiidae), is an Australian widow spider in the aforementioned genus as the North American blackness widow (50. mactans) and the New Zealand katipo (50. katipo). The major toxicity in animals is caused past α-latrotoxin-Lh1a, a 130 kDa presynaptic neurotoxin that causes the exhaustive release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic nerve terminals [57]. The reported LD50 value for L. tredecimguttatus (the European black widow) rough venom in republic of guinea pigs is 0.0075 mg/kg in guinea pigs and 0.9 mg/kg in mice [37]. Although not naturally aggressive spiders, redbacks are widely distributed and accidental contact with humans and domestic animals can occur. Cats are specially sensitive to Latrodectus venom; studies have reported an average survival time of 115 h and that 20 of 22 cats died afterward widow spider bites [37]. In humans, a bite of the Australian redback spider Latrodectus hasselti (Araneae: Theridiidae) causes latrodectism involving incapacitation through severe local, regional, or systemic pain and autonomic furnishings such as muscle rigidity and fasciculation, vomiting, dyspnoea, tachycardia, hypertension, weakness, and sweating [13]. Antivenom is available, but handling is largely focused on symptom direction [37].

Australian tarantulas or whistling spiders (Araneae: Theraphosidae) are extraordinarily lethal to companion animals. Dogs have been reported to be peculiarly sensitive to tarantula envenomation and expiry is reported to occur in 30–120 min for most dogs [12, 58]. Phlogiellus and Selenocosmia genus spider bites were reported to kill 7 dogs frequently within 2 hours of envenomation with apnea and cardiac arrhythmia equally clinical features [12]. Australian tarantulas belong to four genera: Selenotholus, Selenotypus, Coremiocnemis, and Phlogius. Tarantulas are widely distributed throughout the Australian continent and N Queensland has a loftier concentration of tarantulas and people, which is why many cases of dog death are reported from that region (Figure iv).

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A distribution map of tarantulas (spiders in the family Theraphosidae), showing 463 occurrence records each marked with a blueish dot. Map from [51].

Tarantula venom contains a variety of peptides with unlike mechanisms of action and venoms can be expected to contain neurotoxins, besides as possibly cytotoxic and hemolytic toxins. Following a tarantula bite, patients may experience musculus spasms, edema, hemoglobinuria, jaundice, and circulatory shock [37].

The venom of one species of Australian tarantula, Selenotypus plumipes, has recently been the source of the most potent orally active insecticidal peptide reported from spider venom [59]. Tarantulas are large, heavy-bodied spiders that alive for 5–10 years in laboratory environments and Australian tarantula venoms contain a particularly big concentration of peptides in the iii–6 kDa range, inside the size range of many agile toxins and pharmaceutical leads [60].

ii.three.4. Ticks

Ticks affect animal and human health globally and crusade significant economic losses directly via feeding, indirectly through the transmission of tick-borne diseases, and through toxicosis, a toxic reaction due to a toxic component present in the saliva. Ticks in the genus Ixodes are well known for their ability to induce paralysis during and after feeding [61]. The toxicity of ticks, which are hematophagic ectoparasites, comes from antigens in their saliva that modulate the host's immune response in order to facilitate blood feeding. Tick salivary anticoagulants are reported to human action through either the inhibition of thrombin or inhibition of factor X activation [62]. Ixodes tick paralysis is a toxin-mediated type of acute flaccid paralysis acquired by the presynaptic neurotoxin holocyclotoxin, which acts to inhibit acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction [63–65]. Death is unremarkably the result of respiratory failure from a combination of neuromuscular paralysis causing hypoventilation besides as pulmonary parenchymal affliction, though unexpected or "sudden" decease is too reported [65, 66]. Dogs with tick paralysis may exhibit pulmonary congestion and oedema in uncomplicated cases merely frequently also show moderate to astringent bronchopneumonia with or without evidence of aspiration [65]. Laryngeal and oesophageal dysfunction, frequently accompanied by vomiting, is common in tick paralysis and may predispose affected dogs to aspiration pneumonia [65]. Further, analysis of crude toxin in rats indicates that Ixodes toxins have direct cardiovascular furnishings suggestive of potassium channel blockade [67]. Necropsy findings in other tissues are nonspecific and include severe vascular congestion in the liver, kidneys, and myocardium [68]. The start example of immunization against the paralyzing effects of holocyclotoxin was in dogs, using salivary gland extracts from I. holocyclus; after immunization, dogs were able to withstand iv times the ED50 [69]. Australian paralysis ticks have a reported ED50 of 0.48 mg salivary gland poly peptide/kg bodyweight to cause hind limb paralysis in dogs [69]. Despite the potency of salivary gland extracts, the corporeality of crude starting material extracted from ticks is extraordinarily modest, which complicates discovery-stage work. Research suggests at that place may be dissimilar modes of action for toxins in the saliva of North American and Australian tick species [70].

The Australian paralysis tick is plant primarily on the east coast (Effigy 5).

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A distribution map of Ixodes holocyclus, the Australian paralysis tick. Each occurrence tape (174 total) is marked with a bluish dot. Map from [52].

Native hosts of I. holocyclus include the three species of bandicoot, although the tick has been found on a wide variety of native animals and livestock [71]. Although cats, dogs, and horses present nearly ofttimes with signs of tick infestation, paralysis ticks also affect native animals. The spectacled flight fox (Pteropus conspicillatus, Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) has shown affected electrical cardiac office when infested with I. holocyclus [72].

iii. Potential for Novel Therapeutics

Recent technological advances accept provided the gateway to exploring venomics (or, in the case of ticks, sialomics) as a novel source of therapeutics. Kickoff, the ability of proteomics and genomics to place all the venom components, even those expressed in depression quantities in the venom, allows more than potent toxins to be identified. 2d, the advent of high-throughput assays and target-based drug design take led to an explosion of interest in venom toxins, which can human action equally highly specific pharmacological probes for a single molecular target. Third, the majority of vertebrate and invertebrate venom toxins hit ion channels, which are critical for nervous system function and an area of particular involvement for pharmaceutical companies. Spider venom toxins, for instance, represent i-tertiary of known NaV channel modulators [73].

Animal models of human disease are a critical component of drug discovery, although they tin can differ significantly from homo biology and pathobiology [74]. Dogs are often a close lucifer for human being disorders, particularly for cardiovascular illness [75]. Thus, an agreement of the clinical effects and signs of envenomation in animals can yield pharmaceutical leads for veterinary use, also as potential leads for human being therapeutics, too.

iii.1. Potency and Mechanism of Animal Venoms and Poisons

One of the advantages of using venom and poison toxins for pharmaceutical leads is the potency and highly targeted nature of the individual toxins. Ii specific sources of potent potential veterinarian leads are discussed further: snake venoms and cane toad poisons.

3.1.1. Serpent Venoms

A common thread between Australian elapid snake venoms is the presence of variations on potent α-neurotoxins [76]. The "α-" prefix is used to indicate toxins with postsynaptic action; α-neurotoxins are neurotoxic peptides between 60 and 75 residues in length, which are linked by 4-5 disulfide bridges [77]. Brusque- and long-type toxins have similar 3D structures, but different dissociation kinetics with the receptor [77]. They act as competitive and irreversible antagonists of postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors [78].

A variety of new human being pharmaceuticals have been discovered from serpent venoms, including several which are in clinical trials. Snake venoms have proved to exist a particularly rich source of cardiovascular drugs [79]. Despite the potency of Australian snake venoms, their pharmaceutical use remains undetermined; to date, no human pharmaceuticals have been isolated from Australian snake venoms. Cenderitide, a toxin from the Eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps, Squamata: Elapidae), is indicated in the treatment of congestive centre failure; a chemically modified version of a brusk-concatenation α-cobrotoxin, a cobra venom toxin (isolated from Naja spp. venom), is indicated in the treatment of HIV; and a chemically modified version of a long-chain α-cobrotoxin is indicated in the handling of multiple sclerosis and perioperative bleeding [xiv]. Based on these examples of homo pharmaceuticals, there is evidence to suggest novel therapeutics could exist adult for veterinarian use also.

The chemistry of serpent venoms has been fairly well characterized, primarily due to their importance in human medicine [80]. Snake venoms are produced in specialized venom glands and serpent venom from an individual or inside a species can vary widely [81], making handling more of a challenge. Serpent venom toxins are of particular interest for cardiovascular illness [79] and every bit natriuretic peptides, which attune trunk fluid volume [82]. An overview of serpent venom toxins is provided, with an emphasis on clinical effects (Table 1). Since these classes have major pathophysiological effects in snakebite victims, they are well suited to rational drug blueprint.

Table 1

An overview of the major toxin classes with clinical furnishings in snake venom and their indications. Note myotoxins are necrotic and frequently lead to expiry via diaphragmatic paralysis.

Toxin course Representative toxin Clinical effects
Cardiotoxin Cardiotoxin Iii Irregular or ceased heartbeat
Hemotoxin Convulxin Hemolysis or coagulation
Myotoxin Crotamine Muscle necrosis
Nephrotoxin RVV-vii Decreased creatinine clearance
 Presynaptic Dendrotoxin Nervus paralysis
 Postsynaptic α-Bungarotoxin Numbness, paralysis
 Anticholinesterase Fasciculin Extended fasciculation

3.1.two. Cane Toad Poison

Several species of toad in the genus Bufo (Anura: Bufonidae) have been reported to have hallucinogenic or psychedelic effects when they are licked past humans. The bulk of these effects are due to the presence of an alkaloid, bufotenine, which is structurally related to the neurotransmitter serotonin, in skin secretions of the toad [83]. The hallucinogenic effects of licking cane toads accept been reported in humans merely not so comprehensively studied in dogs. Nonetheless, owners and veterinarians report poisoned dogs every bit appearing "loftier." Not surprisingly, this Australian story has caught the public's involvement at dwelling house [84] and overseas [85–87]. The behavior of these dogs belies some critical clues for the use of the poison extracts every bit potential therapeutics: (i) the poison components are orally active in dogs; (ii) the poisonous substance contains agile compounds with neurological, cardiac, and potentially psychoactive effects specific to dogs; and (iii) after treatment, inside 24 h of initial exposure the dog experiences complete recovery with no known long-term effects.

Cane toad poisonous substance consists in large function of bufadienolides, a steroid that is a type of cardiac glycoside. Interestingly, compared to other life stages, cane toad eggs contain both the highest number of individual bufadienolides and the highest concentration of those compounds compared to afterward-stage juveniles [7]. These compounds act past inhibiting the sodium-potassium pump and increasing the force of contraction by the heart, thus increasing cardiac output.

Despite the toxicity of cane toad toxicant to other vertebrates, including reptiles and mammals, cane toads and chickens are to be immune to the poisonous substance; in fact, one chicken was reported to eat 45 cane toads over a two-day experimental period with no ill effects [88]. The same study showed chickens had no agin reaction when drinking water cane toads which had been sitting in overnight, suggesting perchance chickens are nonresponsive to the cardiac glycosides in the pikestaff toad poison. Chickens and cane toads have slightly, but not completely, different cistron sequences for the sodium-potassium pump (Figures 6(a) and 6(b)). The gene sequences for cats and dogs are most similar to each other, and most different from chickens and pikestaff toads. These gene-level differences may explain why companion animals (cats and dogs) are so susceptible to cane toad poisoning and livestock (rabbits, pigs, sheep, and cows) are protected from the astringent cardiac furnishings of pikestaff toad poisoning.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is BMRI2014-671041.006.jpg

An alignment (a) and cladogram (b) of the ATP1A1 gene, which produces the sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1. A Jukes-Cantor genetic distance model of the ATP1A1 gene, using a neighbor-joining tree building method with zebrafish equally the outgroup (b). Bootstrapping was used as a resampling method with 100 replicates and the support threshold was 50%. An asterisk (∗) in (a) and (b) indicates a partial sequence from UniProt. Chemical structures in (c) are from ChemSpider (; the boilerplate mass is reported.

Cardiac glycosides are commonly prescribed to care for congestive heart failure and arrhythmia and several successful drugs accept been developed from natural products (Figure 6(c)).

Not surprisingly, these naturally derived cardiac glycosides are considered lethal when encountered in nature; all the same, therapeutic doses can usually exist achieved. Ouabain is an exception, as information technology is so potent that it is largely only used experimentally. As with the commercially available drugs, the reaction of dogs to cane toad poisoning is delayed. Currently, no specific antidote for cane toad poisoning exists and clinical direction relies on lavage of the oral fissure and exposed areas to subtract toxin exposure, followed by symptomatic direction. Bufadienolide is the smallest of the naturally derived cardiac glycosides and its synthesis was beginning demonstrated in the literature in the 1970s [89]. Bufadienolides too have demonstrated antitumor activity; derivatives of one alkaloid, bufalin, accept been shown to have antiproliferation action against carcinoma and leukemia cells [90].

4. Conclusions

Australia has a variety of venomous and poisonous animals that are dangerous to humans, pets, and livestock. Costs of treating a single envenomation effect tin can run across several thousand dollars and, despite extensive medical treatment, many animals dice. A greater agreement of individual toxins will enhance our ability to diagnose and treat envenomation and poisoning and to monitor for secondary toxic effects. Although pathophysiology and treatment can be extrapolated from homo studies, species differences occur and those venoms that have dissimilar furnishings in animals may bear witness to exist a rich source of novel, specific veterinarian therapeutics. Elucidation of the pathophysiology and mechanism of activeness of venoms and toxins will allow the development of novel human and veterinary therapeutics through rational drug blueprint.


MC Hardy is supported by a University of Queensland Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (RM2013001889).

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that at that place is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


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