
What Does It Mean When Animals Are Attracted To You

Some people are fauna magnets. Like a singing fairy tale princess, they attract hirsuite friends wherever they go. Unfortunately, this sometimes applies even to those who don't treat animals.

Have you e'er wondered why?

why do animals gravitate towards me
Why do animals gravitate towards me?

Frequently, an gorging canis familiaris-lover will receive utter indifference from the dogs he encounters, while those same dogs will fall all over themselves to reach his anti-pet friend. A person with a cat allergy may notice that every feline on the block wants to air current around her legs or jump in her lap.

And so again, some pups make a beeline for domestic dog-lovers, and many cats know exactly which humans to befriend.

Animals must take their reasons for the people they gravitate toward. It may exist hard for humans to understand those reasons, though.

Beneath are some factors that experts believe may come into play when an animal decides which humans to approach and which to avoid.

The food factor

a black yorkie
A Yorkie with a predominantly black coat stands on a wooden flooring.

All animals, including humans, have 1 thing in common: they need nutrient to survive. Every being is equipped with hunger and a drive to satiate it. So, if an fauna thinks you might be a food source, it is much more probable to approach you.

Nearly mammals use sight as their primary food-searching machinery. Eye color and shape is fifty-fifty often determined by an animal'southward place in the food chain: predator or prey. With this in heed, it makes sense that animals will gravitate toward a person who looks like they have nutrient or whose appearance reminds them of repast fourth dimension.

Domesticated animals will often associate food with certain visuals: colors, shapes, fifty-fifty particular lighting. If your wear or anything else about your appearance is reminiscent of dinner-time, they will be drawn to you.

There'due south also the chance they can smell your lunch on your hands, which brings us to the side by side possible factor.

It all makes scents

Virtually animals have an extremely powerful olfactory sense. For case, domestic dog noses are mostly 40% stronger than human noses. That strong sense of smell may be leading animals toward or away from you.

Foremost, animals can scent food. If you have any edible items on your person, they probably know. Oftentimes, when a dog or true cat approaches you, they are more interested in the granola bar in your pockets than they are in making friends with you.

Animals can also odor your pets on your apparel and skin. They may be checking out the contest past sniffing yous up and down. Or they may be avoiding y'all because they know there'due south a rottweiler lurking somewhere in your orbit.

In that location's besides your natural aroma to consider. Some animals may be attracted to the way your peel and hair aroma. Others may be repelled. Information technology depends entirely on the chemic makeup of your particular scent.

Peace out

Another factor that may concenter or repel animals is your demeanor. Just like humans, animals are drawn to certain types of people and repelled past others.

Frequently, cats and dogs seek out humans they perceive to be peaceful. A person who sits quietly without moving effectually a cracking bargain may seem much more than appealing than someone who is constantly in motion.

The book of a man'southward voice tin can besides assistance determine whether animals volition approach. A loud voice is alarming to many cats and dogs, merely as information technology can be to humans. A soft, quiet voice seems less threatening and more welcoming to almost animals.

This may be a reason many pets are fatigued to the elderly and avoid children. Since older people tend to sit all the same more frequently and make little noise, animals find them highly-seasoned. Children, on the other mitt, are much noisier and in abiding move, and so many pets detect them intimidating.

Hey, don't I know yous?

Familiarity also often plays a role in how approachable an animal finds a particular human. When an animal regularly encounters the aforementioned human in the same context, and the encounters are always pleasant and non-threatening, the animal is likely to associate that human with safety and routine.

In this way, animals aren't that different from humans. We tend to exist nearly comfortable around people nosotros know or at least run into regularly.

Everybody needs some lovin'

A further extension of the familiarity factor, if a pet repeatedly encounters a human who offers gentle affection, they are more likely to return to that human in future encounters.

Just like united states of america, animals enjoy affection. In one case they have established the non-threatening condition of a human and that human has offered a trivial physical condolement, they will find that human more approachable in the time to come.

This can work in the contrary direction, also. If they take had any unpleasant encounters with a human, they volition avoid that person.

It doesn't affair if the unpleasantness was unintentional on the homo's role; animals don't make distinctions regarding motive. Petting likewise hard or in an uncomfortable manner may come from a identify of affection, but an animal doesn't know that.

Playing difficult-to-get

Counter-intuitively, a human being who displays indifference toward animals will frequently concenter them the most. An animal-lover who offers an abundance of physical affection and high-pitched infant talk may inadvertently repel an animal.

Meanwhile, a person who basically ignores an animal may discover that brute clamoring for attention.

This is especially true with cats. I'm a dog person; I like my friends' cats fine and have nothing against them, only I don't get excited when I see one. For the most part, I ignore them. Usually, once these cats realize I'thou not going to make a fuss over them, they leap into my lap, curl upwards into a ball, and kickoff purring.

We all desire what we can't have

Even more strangely, animals will oft exist fatigued to people who actively dislike or fearfulness them.

When humans are distressed by the presence of an animate being, they often give off subtle signs that the animal picks up on. Sweaty palms, a tense ready to the shoulders, and a shift in vocal tone are all quickly identified by nearly animals. In some cases, pets may even identify these signs as prey behavior and act accordingly.

Even if they don't identify the uncomfortable human as casualty, pets may detect their reactions interesting and want to investigate. While this is less than pleasant for the human involved, information technology does make sense from the pet's perspective.

Good vibes

Some schools of thought on the topic of what attracts animals believe that animals selection up on the unique energies a person emits.

This ascertainment may not be as New Agey as information technology sounds. Many animals have keener senses than humans. They selection up on scents, sounds, and other stimuli that we frequently miss. It isn't so far-fetched to assume that animals can sense whether a person is kind or brutal.

Animals accept evolved with senses that warning them to danger, guide them toward nutrient and shelter, and comfort, and allow them to create routines that keep them warm, fed, and alive. These instincts may play a critical role in choosing the humans they arroyo and the ones they avert.

[Speaking of new historic period – check out our favorite list of Yoga domestic dog names for some zen inspo!]


Various factors may come up into play in explaining why animals find some people approachable and others less then. While we may never fully understand why certain people seem to concenter animals everywhere we go, we can exist reasonably certain that the factors listed above play at least some office.


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